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  • EU40 Summer Party 2023!

    Dear members, Dear friends, Once again, it is that time of the year! We are writing to you to SAVE THE DATE for our famous EU40 Summer Party 2023! September marks the rentrée where Brussels comes back to life and we go back to our day-to-day activities - but who’s to...

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  • The future of agriculture: Moving towards a sustainable pesticides policy?

    Following the new proposal on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, farmers are looking for feasible alternatives that will allow them to work sustainably.  MEP Alexander Bernhuber will tell us about his activities linked to the Directive. 

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  • European Health Data Space: a milestone for patient empowerment

    MEP Sara CERDAS is hosting, with the support of EU40, an event on the European Health Data Space. This is an opportunity for a multistakeholder discussion led by MEP Cerdas as shadow rapporteur for the S&D on the European Health Data Space. 

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  • Common Charger: a new reality that will save us millions

    The EU has been grappling with the issue of charging devices for years, with several different manufacturers using different types of chargers. MEP Alex Agius Saliba will tell us about his work in favour of the common charger.

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  • EU40 Summer Party 2022!

    Dear friends, Once again, it is that time of the year! SAVE THE DATE for our famous EU40 Summer Party 2022! September marks the rentrée where Brussels comes back to life and we go back to our day-to-day activities - but who’s to say we can’t have some fun before the Brussels...

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  • EU AI Act: Are we striking the right balance?

    We are delighted to invite you to EU40’s in-person event, ‘EU AI ACT: Are we striking the right balance? Fostering Innovation while protecting EU citizens fundamental rights,’ taking place on 29 June 2022, 18:00 CET at the Microsoft Centre, Brussels (only a stone’s throw from the European Parliament). Last year,...

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  • EU40 Meeting with UN FAO Chief Scientist, Ms. Ismahane Elouafi

    EU40, FAO Liaison Office to Brussels and the RUMRA and Smart Villages Intergroup have organized an informal MEP meeting with Ms. Ismahane Elouafi, Chief Scientist at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (a position within FAO’s core leadership structure). The meeting will take place in the...

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  • The Sustainability of EU Agricultural Trade

    We are delighted to invite you to EU40’s in-person event, ‘The Sustainability of EU Agricultural Trade: How can Europe strike the right balance?,’ taking place on Thursday 23 June 2022, 15:00 CET at the European Parliament, Room no. SPINELLI 5G1-BRU. The ever-increasing integration of global food value chains raise questions about...

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