European Health Data Space: a milestone for patient empowerment

MEP Sara CERDAS is hosting, with the support of EU40, an event on the European Health Data Space. This is an opportunity for a multistakeholder discussion led by MEP Cerdas as shadow rapporteur for the S&D on the European Health Data Space. 

In her State of the Union address on 16 September 2020 before the European Parliament, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a new legislative proposal to create a European health data space. This follows up on her mission letter to Health Commissioner Kyriakides, in which she stated: ‘I want you to work on the creation of a European health data space to promote health-data exchange and support research on new preventive strategies, as well as on treatments, medicines, medical devices and outcomes. As part of this, you should ensure citizens have control over their own personal data’.

The Commission published the proposal for a regulation on the EHDS on 3 May 2022. It is the first sectorial legislation meant to build on the Data
Governance Act and the Data Act, respectively the horizontal legislation on data governance and a recently presented EU law on data-sharing.

At the European Parliament, the Committee on Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety(ENVI) and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs (LIBE) are leading this file. The adoption of the report by both committees is expected on July 6 and the plenary vote in September.

Given the significance of this regulation, with many major challenges yet to be addressed, EU40 has decided to organise a major inter-institutional conference, which will afford the opportunity to all major stakeholders to voice their concerns and, to set out their own respective perspectives regarding how the legislative process should move forward. 

Date:  27 April 10:00-12:00 CET 

Location: European Parliament Brussels A1G369


Hosted by MEP Sara Cerdas (S&D) ENVI + SANT + COVI


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